Monday, September 29, 2014

Adam // 3 months

 3 months.

- giggles and big wide smiles
- lots of 'talking'
- nursing like a champ every three hours
- usually sleeping from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. straight before I need to feed you (how long will my luck 
- sometimes a good napper and sometimes not so much
- loving the baby carrier
- crazy about your big brother
- first bottle of my milk
- the sweetest little baby there is!

Love, Mama

Monday, September 22, 2014

Adam's room

Poor Adam is so the second child, especially when it comes to his room. 

With Micha we were finished with his room by week 34 of my pregnancy, but with Adam things are still not completely done. 

I had a pretty clear plan of how I wanted it to look, and so far I'm quite happy with the result. 
My favorite part of the room is the ceiling and the needlepoint art made by B.'s grandma.

We still need to find some cute curtains and hang them up and I need to frame the prints I now have washi taped onto the wall.

I also want to hang the big cardboard letters that spell his name on one of the walls, I just haven't decided yet how and where (idea's?), and of course once Adam is a bit more mobile we'll need to remove the bunting on his crib, no one wants a choking baby!

So even though it's still definitely a work in progress, I thought it would be fun to share what we have done so far: 

There's definitely some work left to do, but so far I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

Bright, cheery, colorful and simple!

Love, Maria

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Adam is clearly enjoying having his soother shoved upside down into his mouth ;)

Two kids. To be honest, it's not that bad!
I'm able to shower every day and even put on my make-up, I managed (or lucked into) synchronizing their naps and quiet times and most evenings there's a decent meal on the table.

But sometimes it is crazy town!
Yesterday was such a day...

It started off all nice and sweet with cuddles in bed with my boys followed by a peaceful oatmeal breakfast.
After breakfast we read some books, Micha on my lap and Adam laying on the couch next to us, the sun shone on our happy faces and all was well with the world.
After books it was time for Micha's quiet play time in his room, Adams nap, and my me-time.
I had a nice shower, read some blogs and even sewed a little present for a my friends almost-here baby girl. Things were so perfect, maybe a little too perfect...

When the hour was up I went upstairs to get Micha, and that was when it all started going down hill.
I opened the door to his room and smelled it straight away, somebody had gone #2.
I picked that certain somebody up, put him on the changing table and felt something warm and soft on his back.... Yep, poop, on his back, on his clothes, on my hands, and not that innocent yellow stuff his little brother likes to poop, but the real stuff...

At that moment I heard that Adam had woken up from his nap, and it wasn't a happy wake up, but a 'get me out out this swaddle right now' kind of wake up.
So with poop on my hands, a screaming baby in the background and a toddler who was way to interested in the stuff on his back, I had my hands full! What to do?

I quickly put M in the shower, washed my hands, gave Adam his soother to buy some time, and cleaned the mess up.

Crisis averted!

But that wasn't all for the day.

After the boys afternoon naps, I got them ready to go out for a walk to the grocery store.
I managed to stuff M's chubby toddler feet into his shoes, put his coat on and let him play while I got A. ready.

The moment I had Adam in his car seat and ready to go I heard a crash followed by a wail and I rushed into the living room to see what had happened.
Micha had fallen of the rocking chair and already the blood was pouring out of his nose.
I grabbed a cloth to clean him up, but he was not having it!

He pushed my hands away and started rubbing the blood ALL.OVER.HIS.FACE, in an attempt to wipe the blood away. Blood everywhere!
And again, Adam starts fussing in the car seat, I had an upset and very bloody toddler to wrangle into the kitchen, without getting to much blood on myself, which of course was impossible.
I had my hands full!

A half an hour later we were finally out the door, me all sweaty and with blood on my clothes, Micha's nose scratched and red, but luckily a sleeping Adam.
So I guess it wasn't all that bad, haha!

It was quite the day! Crazy, disastrous, but also pretty hilarious!
You bet I had a big glass of wine that evening!
 (After breastfeeding Adam of course, I'm not a totally incompetent parent) :) 

Have you had any disaster-filled days lately?

Love, Maria

Friday, September 12, 2014

Making me happy this week

This recipe, I was a bit skeptical at first, but it's so good!

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Celebrating with my little sister who received her Masters of Arts for Archaeology, 
beauty and brains that one!
All students who get their Masters at Leiden University are allowed to write their name on the wall in 'het zweetkamertje' (the sweatroom).
Our king Willem Alexander's name is on the same wall as my little sisters! Isn't that awesome!

This smile and that bald spot:

Playing 'hide-and-go-seek' behind the curtains
where, oh, where is Micha? ;)

Dreaming up a shared bedroom for the boys

What's making you happy?

Love, Maria